Sunday, July 3, 2011

Summer Fun

The first week in June, my mom, sisters and I got together for a few days. We went to the zoo one day. We hadn't been for awhile so it was fun. I can only handle going to the zoo so often. :) The boys had fun hanging out with their cousins.

My niece, Parker, Isaac, & Bryce trying out the wooden horses:

I had to get a picture of the baby elephant, Zuri.
She was too cute:
...and the giraffe, one of my favorites. :)
I love the teeny monkeys too, but didn't get a pic this time.
All of the cousins. Six boys and one girl!

Isaac had so much fun taking pictures
of the animals with his camera.

My mom, sisters, and I:
Isaac & Parker peeking out of the prairie dog holes:
And there's Bryce!

The every-popular water ball:

After the zoo we went to Sweet Tomatoes for lunch (one of our favorites). Then on the way home we stopped at Thanksgiving Point and went to Farm Land. We hadn't been there for awhile either, so it was fun to see the new animals. We saw baby horses and even some teeny baby bunnies. So fun! The kids all rode the ponies and we went on a wagon ride. My pony ride pictures didn't turn out.

Bryce loved this cow bench:
I just love baby horses. Aww!

On another day, we took all the kids to the splash pad. That was fun, and it was the perfect day for playing in the water. It was so fun to watch Bryce. He would go up to a hole and wait for the water to spout out. Then he'd go to the next hole and wait, until he'd gone around the whole splash pad. :) He also had fun leaping over each water spout like leapfrog. He had so much fun, and I couldn't believe it kept him occupied! Alas, eventually he did get bored and kept taking off to the restroom. Of course he had to keep going in the mens' room where I couldn't get him, little turkey. :)
Parker, Bryce, & Isaac:
Bryce waiting for the water to spout out:

Grandma brought water guns! Isaac and my nephews
playing with them:

Grandma trying to get my neice in the water.
She wasn't having it!

She though the water guns were pretty fun though!

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