Saturday, October 11, 2008

Update on Bryce

Bryce had his endoscopy on Tuesday (7th) as planned. They did the procedure in the RTU (rapid-treatment unit), which was really nice. This was our first time in this section of the Children's Hospital as we've done all other procedures and surgeries on the surgery floor. The staff was SUPER nice. One nurse even brought Bryce a Build-a-Bear (already built - LOL). It was so cute, because when she handed it to him he took it and gave it a kiss. :) Sweet boy. They gave him toys to play with while we waited. We talked to the anesthesiologist (he's one of my favorites). It's kind of sad when you get to know all the anesthesiologists at the hospital. Then we talked to the doctor and they took Bryce back. They let us come with him which was new for us and we watched them put him out. Ohh that was SO hard for me to watch. Bryce didn't struggle or cry or anything. He was just sitting there quietly playing with his toys when they put the cotton candy scented mask over his face. It was just so - creepy watching him pass out like that. I think I prefer handing him off to the anesthesiologist! Anyway, the scope went well. They scoped his esophagus, stomach, and duodenum. They also took biopsies throughout. It was very quick and we were soon brought back and he was awake. He was crying and upset and wouldn't calm down, but as soon as they took of all their monitors and IVs and such he stopped crying RIGHT away. LOL! He can't stand anything on his hands and feet. (which is why you'll very often see Bryce without socks or shoes on! )

They didn't find anything during the scope. Everything looked healthy throughout his system. This is good, and I'm thankful for it, but it also means that we still have no answers as to why Bryce will no longer swallow. We got the results from the biopsies back yesterday and they were all clear. I AM thankful that his GI system is so healthy after all he's gone through with the severe relux and DGE, but it's very frustrating to not have any answers. I'm not sure what our next step will be other than continuing on with the feeding thearpies.

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