Friday, September 7, 2007

First Day of School!

Isaac started his second year of preschool last week! He was so excited. His preschool teacher from last year is a family friend. She moved over the summer, but we all liked her so much and loved the way she ran her preschool that we decided it was worth the drive to take Isaac to her new preschool. A few other parents did the same thing so we've been carpooling with them which has been really nice. Isaac is 4 1/2 now and has learned to read some. We've been getting him little books at the library every week to practice. He's also gotten really good at writing words and can even figure out how to write some words himself. We're so proud of him!

During Isaac's first week of school he was outside playing with Daddy and Parker on the driveway. He was trying to ride his little bike, but hadn't figured out how to put the brakes on yet. He went down the driveway and couldn't stop. He crashed and got a huge goose egg on his forehead. Ouch! It healed up quickly though and ended up not being to bad. We're just thankful he didn't get hurt worse.

Isaac's after the crash

crash site

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